Let’s consider a problem that the owl:sameAs property affects to reasoning.
The semantics of owl:sameAs can be captured explicitly using program $P_≈$, consisting of rules $(≈_1)-(≈_5)$, which axiomatises owl:sameAs as a congruence relation. We call each set of resources all of which are equal to each other an owl:sameAs-clique.
$≈_1 : ⟨ x_i, $ owl:sameAs $, x_i ⟩ $ ← $ ⟨ x_1, x_2, x_3 ⟩ $, for $1 ≤ i ≤ 3$
$ ≈_2 : ⟨ x^′_1, x_2, x_3 ⟩ $ ← $ ⟨ x_1, x_2, x_3 ⟩ $ ∧ $ ⟨ x_1, $ owl:sameAs $, x^′_1 ⟩ $
$ ≈_3 $ : $ ⟨ x_1, x_2^′, x_3 ⟩ $ ← $ ⟨ x_1, x_2, x_3 ⟩ $ ∧ $ ⟨ x_2, $ owl:sameAs $, x_2^′ ⟩ $
$ ≈_4 $ : $ ⟨ x_1, x_2, x_3^′ ⟩ $ ← $ ⟨ x_1, x_2, x_3 ⟩ $ ∧ $ ⟨ x_3, $ owl:sameAs $, x_3^′ ⟩ $
$ ≈_5 $ : false ← $ ⟨ x, $ owl:differentFrom $, x ⟩$
These rules can lead to the derivation of many equivalent triples, as we demonstrate using an example program $P_{ex}$ containing rules $(R)–(F3)$.
$R$ : $ ⟨ x, $ owl:sameAs$, $ :USA$ ⟩ ← ⟨ $:Obama$, $ :presidentOf$, x ⟩ $
$S$ : $ ⟨ x, $ owl:sameAs$, $ :Obama$ ⟩ ← ⟨ x, $ :presidentOf$, $ :USA$ ⟩ $
$F_1$ : $ ⟨ $:USPresident$, $ :presidentOf$, $ :US$ ⟩ $
$F_2$ : $ ⟨ $:Obama$, $ :presidentOf$, $ :America$ ⟩ $
$F_3$ : $ ⟨ $:Obama$, $ :presidentOf$, $ :US$ ⟩ $
On $P_{ex}$ U $P_{≈}$, rule $(R)$ derives that :USA is equal to :US and :America, and then rules $(≈_1)-(≈_4)$ derive an owl:sameAs triple for each of the 9 pairs involving :USA, :America, and :US. The total number of derivations, however, is much higher. We get 66 derivations in total for the 9 owl:sameAs triples. In fact, for each owl:sameAs-clique of size $n$, rules $(≈_1)–(≈_4)$ derive $n^2$ owl:sameAs triples via $2n^3+n^2+n$ derivations. Moreover, each triple $ ⟨ s, p, o ⟩ $ with terms in owl:sameAs-cliques of size $n_s, n_p, n_o$, respectively, is expanded to $n_s × n_p × n_o $ triples, each of which is derived $ n_s + n_p + n_o $ times. This duplication of facts and derivations is a major source of inefficiency.
To reduce these numbers, we can choose a representative resource for each owl:sameAs-clique and then rewrite all triples—that is, replace all resources with their representatives.
The materialisation of $P_{ex}$ then contains only the triple $ ⟨ $:Obama$, $ :presidentOf$, $ :US$ ⟩ $ and this makes the number of derivations of owl:sameAs triples drop from over 60 to just 6.
Since owl:sameAs triples can be derived continuously during materialisation, rewriting cannot be applied as preprocessing; moreover, to ensure that rewriting does not affect query answers. Thus, we may need to continuously rewrite both triples and rules: rewriting only triples can be insufficient. For example, if we choose :US as the representative of :USA, :US and :America, then rule $(S)$ will not be applicable, and we will fail to derive that :USPresident is equal to :Obama.
Parallel Reasoning With Rewriting
The algorithm by Motik et al. (2014) used in the RDFox system implements a fact-at-a-time version of the seminaïve algorithm (Abiteboul, Hull, and Vianu 1995): it initialises the set of facts $T$ with the input data $E$, and then computes $P^∞(E)$ by repeatedly applying rules from $P$ to $T$ using $N$ threads until no new facts are derived.
To extend the original seminaive algorithm with rewriting, we allow each thread to perform three different actions.
- First, a thread can extract a rule $r$ from the queue $R$ of rewritten rules and apply $r$ to the set of all facts $T$, thus ensuring that changes to resources in rules are taken into account.
- Second, a thread can rewrite outdated facts—that is, facts containing a resource that is not a representative of itself. To avoid iteration over all facts in $T$, the thread extracts a resource $c$ from the queue $C$ of unprocessed outdated resources, and uses indexes by Motik et al. (2014) to identify each fact $F ∈ T$ containing $c$. The thread then removes each such $F$ from $T$, and it adds $ρ(F)$ to $T$.
($ρ$ is a mapping function that maps resources to their representatives)
- Third, a thread can extract and process an unprocessed fact $F$ in $T$. The thread first checks whether $F$ is outdated $($i.e., whether $F ≠ ρ(F)$$)$; if so, the thread removes $F$ from $T$ and adds $ρ(F)$ to $T$. If $F$ is not outdated but is of the form $⟨ a, $owl:sameAs$, b ⟩$ with $a ≠ b$, the thread chooses a representative of the two resources, updates $ρ$, and adds the other resource to queue $C$. The thread derives a contradiction if $F$ is of the form $⟨ a, $owl:differentFrom$, a ⟩$. Otherwise, the thread processes $F$ by partially instantiating the rules in $P$ containing a body atom that matches $F$, and applying such rules to $T$ as described by Motik et al. (2014).
The process of rewriting rules in RDFox involves efficiently identifying rules matching a fact using an index, which may need updating when $ρ$ changes. However, due to the complexity of updating the index in parallel, this operation is performed serially. Specifically, when all threads are waiting (indicating that all facts have been processed), a single thread updates $P$ to $ρ(P)$, reindexes it, and inserts the updated rules into the queue $R$ for reevaluation. Despite being a parallelization bottleneck, experiments have shown that the time spent on this process is not significant for programs of moderate size.
Instead of physically removing facts from $T$, the approach involves marking them as outdated. During the matching of the body atoms of partially instantiated rules, marked facts are skipped. This entire process is lock-free, and the removal of all marked facts is performed in a postprocessing step.
The algorithms can be written as follows:
Table 1 shows six steps of an application of the algorithm to the example program $P_{ex}$ on a single thread. Some resource names have been abbreviated for convenience, and $≈$ abbreviates owl:sameAs. The $⊲$ symbol identifies the last fact extracted from $T$. Facts are numbered for easier referencing, and their (re)derivation is indicated on the right: $R(n)$ or $S(n)$ means that the fact was obtained from fact $n$ and rule $R$ or $S$; moreover, we rewrite facts immediately after merging resources, so $W(n)$ identifies a rewritten version of fact $n$, and $M(n)$ means that a fact was marked outdated because fact $n$ caused $ρ$ to change.
We start by extracting facts from $T$ and, in steps $1$ and $2$, we apply rule $R$ to facts $2$ and $3$ to derive facts $4$ and $5$, respectively. In step $3$, we extract fact $4$, merge :America into :USA, mark facts $2$ and $4$ as outdated, and add their rewriting, facts $6$ and $7$, to $T$. In step $4$ we merge :USA into :US, after which there are no further facts to process. Mapping $ρ$, however, has changed, so we update $P$ to contain rules $(R^′)$ and $(S^′)$ and add them to the queue $R$.
$R^′$ : $ ⟨ x, $ owl:sameAs$, $ :US$ ⟩ ← ⟨ $:Obama$, $ :presidentOf$, x ⟩ $
$S^′$ : $ ⟨ x, $ owl:sameAs$, $ :Obama$ ⟩ ← ⟨ x, $ :presidentOf$, $ :US$ ⟩ $
In step $5$ we evaluate the rules in queue $R$, which introduces facts $9$ and $10$. Finally, in step $6$, we rewrite :USPresident into :Obama and mark facts $1$ and $9$ as outdated. At this point the algorithm terminates, making only 6 derivations in total, instead of more than 60 derivations when owl:sameAs is axiomatised explicitly.
SPARQL Queries on Rewritten Triples
Given a set of facts $T$ and mapping $ρ$, the expected answers to a SPARQL query $Q$ are those obtained by evaluating $Q$ in the expanded $T^ρ$. However, the question arises about how to evaluate $Q$ on the concise representation $T$, preserving the advantages of smaller joins, while still obtaining answers in $T^ρ$ only expanding necessary resources.
To illustrate a strategy, let’s use the program $P_{ex}$ from above: Recall that, after we finish the materialisation of $P_{ex}$, we have $ρ(x) = $ :US for each $x ∈ $ { :USA, :America, :US } and $ρ(x) = $ :Obama for each $x ∈ $ { :USPresident, :Obama }.
$Q_1 :=$ SELECT $?x$ WHERE { $ ?x$ :presidentOf $?y $ }
On $T^ρ$, query $Q_1$ generates answers $\mu_1= $ { $?x → $ :Obama$ $ } and $\mu_2=$ {$ ?x → $ :USPresident }, each repeated 3 times for matches of $?y$ to :USA, :US, :America.
A simple evaluation of the normalized query $ρ(Q_1)$ on $T$, followed by a post-hoc expansion under $ρ$, produces only 1 occurrence of each $\mu_1$ and $\mu_2$, which is not the intended result. This issue arises because the final expansion step doesn’t consider the number of times each binding of $?y$ contributes to the result. To address this, we adjust the projection operator to output each projected answer as many times as there are resources in the projected owl:sameAsclique(s).
As a result, for $Q_1$, we match the triple pattern of $ρ(Q1)$ to $T$, obtaining one answer $ν_1$ = {$?x → $ :Obama $, ?y → $:US }. Next, we project $?y$ from $ν_1$ and get 3 occurrences of $µ_1$ since the owl:sameAsclique of :US has a size of 3. Finally, we expand each occurrence of $µ_1$ to $µ_2$, resulting in all 6 desired results.
$Q_2 :=$ SELECT $?y$ WHERE { $?x$ :presidentOf :US $.$ BIND ( STR ($?x$) AS $?y$) }
On $T^ρ$, query $Q_2$ produces answers $\tau_1=$ { $ ?y → $ “Obama” } and $\tau_2=$ {$ ?y → $ “USPresident” }; in contrast, on T, query $ρ (Q_2)$ yields only $\tau_1$, which does not expand into $\tau_2$ because the strings “Obama” and “USPresident” are not equal. Therefore evaluation should expand answers before evaluating builtin functions.
Thus, we answer $Q_2$ as follows: we match the triple pattern of $ρ (Q_2)$ to $T$ as usual, obtaining $k_1=$ { $?x → $ :Obama }; then we expand $k_1$ to $k_2=$ { $?x → $ :USPresident }; next, we evaluate the BIND expression and extend $k_1$ and $k_2$ with the respective values for $?y$; finally, we project $?x$ to obtain $tau_1$ and $tau_2$. Since we have already expanded $?x$, we must not repeat the projected answers further; instead, we output each projected answer only once to obtain the correct answer cardinalities.
An extension to RDFox was implemented to handle owl:sameAs through either rewriting(REW) or axiomatisation(AX). A performance comparison of materialisation using these two approaches was conducted, with a specific focus on scalability concerning the number of threads. Furthermore, the study measured the influence of rewriting on the number of derivations and materialised triples.
The results confirm that rewriting can significantly reduce materialisation times.
- Motik, Boris, et al. “Parallel materialisation of datalog programs in centralised, main-memory RDF systems.” Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence. Vol. 28. No. 1. 2014.
- Motik, Boris, et al. “Handling owl: sameAs via rewriting.” Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence. Vol. 29. No. 1. 2015.